Thursday, January 17, 2013

Art Of The Charm - Today Show on How To Attract Women

Teaching guys on how to get the girl hasn't always one of Josh's strong points. He used to struggle with the same exact fears, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and just plain shyness when it came to picking up girls. 

However, he had become so motivated to get the hottest girls that he continued to research the best means to improve his chances of success. He realized that it wasn't the inherent limitation of a man with regards to his looks, money, career, etc. 

There are secret, esoteric techniques that will make any woman get turned on. After learning simple, subtle things about his mannerisms, what to say, how to walk, what NOT to say, etc, he started having real success with picking up girls at the bar, the mall, on the street, at work, or really anywhere.

These weren't just any women, they were straight up 10's in anyone's opinion. So, how was he able to get them in bed? Well, again, it isn't about the same old materialistic or superficial elements of which most people think. They are all myths.

It sure wasn't all those cliche pick up lines that get most men rejected at bars...

See.. going up to a girl at a bar and asking, "Can I buy you a drink?" is just going to force that girl to put up her guard. She's heard it time and time again, and how are you going to be able to differentiate yourself from all those other guys that have come up to here by using these cliche methods?

How To Pick Up Girls By Catching Them Off-Guard

Nonchalant, Subtle Pick Up Lines That Peak Their Interest

Instead of being obvious about what you're after, you should peak her interest with a totally random yet intriguing question. For example, you could say:

"Hey... excuse me, I just needed to get your opinion on something... My friend [over there] keeps asking me if he should burn his shoe box full of pictures of his ex-girlfriend that just broke up with him, or whether he should give them back to her as a parting gift to look as if he is the dominant figure in the relationship..."
Don't go into great detail. Keep it short and sweet and make it look like you absolutely don't care about whether you were rude, caught her off-guard, asked a strange question, or anything. All you do is wait for her response. 

It should take her by surprise, but it will intrigue her enough to take some time to start talking to you. See... she is not going to be used to something like that. She's used to guys coming up to here that are just super obvious about their intentions. When you act completely out of the norm (but within a sane and civil way!) she'll find you interesting enough to get to know you just a bit better. She is now intrigued enough to find out what your intentions are, but she is now left puzzled! 

Would you like more details about how to keep this conversation going or how else you can pick up girls and attract women with unusual pick up lines

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