Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tao of Badass From Josh Pellicer

Click Here To Watch It On YouTube
Have you ever wondered how to pick up hotter girls? Well, The Tao of Badass from Josh Pellicer is one killer PDF e-book and video membership site that truly helps! It is one of the best e-books I've read. It covers everything you need to know about all areas of relationship advice. 

Josh Pellicer is a dating coach and relationship expert. He has his own satellite radio show called "The Game" where he talks about being a pick up artist and gives tips on how guys can attract better looking women. Well... not everyone has satellite radio... right?

So... Josh came up with an e-book called "The Tao of Badass". It is sometimes also referred to as The Tao System. This is because it teaches you a confidence belief system that helps you become much more attractive to women. This in turn makes it easier for you to either pick up more beautiful ladies, prevent your gf from cheating on you, get out of that stupid friend zone, and even how to "cast a love spell" on her. 

No seriously... it even teaches you how to get a girl to fall in love with you! This is what makes the Tao of Badass so controversial. You obviously never want to abuse this! This could be really bad and can leave a girl heartbroken. You wouldn't want to do this because something like that would just give pick up artists a bad rep. 

Anyways, I just wanted to share my thoughts on The Tao System real quick because it has really changed my life for ever! It doesn't just make it easier for me to date hotter women. It also just makes every social interaction that much better. I don't have to worry about getting anxious anymore because now I know that it was me that was causing and amplifying my own anxiety - not the girls!

Heck... if you want to date hotter women, all you have to do is be the friendliest guy in the room. You should start by talking to a girl in a group of girls to whom you are not attracted. You make her laugh and have a really interesting conversation. Then... all the other hot girls will come see what all the fuss is about. This is called the "goldfish effect". You'll have to watch the Tao of Badass video on the website to see exactly what that's all about, but they just become attracted to you like magnets. It's weird... it seems like girls just flock together and they all think on the same wave length when there is a really confident guy in the vicinity.

Stay tuned for updates on Josh Pellicer's techniques and relationship advice!

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